Lars Adbullah Croné - CEO & Business Development
Lars has more than 35 years of experience from the international airport and retail world. He has held various top management positions in Japan, Saudi-Arabia, Germany, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Denmark, Cambodia, Myanmar and Singapore.
Since leaving the global corporate world of SSP in 2007 Lars has stayed in the hospitality industry thru his own consultancy company and various shareholdings and has assignments in Asia, Middle East and Europe.
Per Ostensson - CFO & Government Liasons
Per Östensson has for the last 15 years had different positions at the Swedish Ministry of Finance. He has been responsible for budgeting and financing of several areas, environment, energy, infrastructure and finally a portfolio of state owned companies. Previous to that Per worked with aid financing within the energy- and environmental sectors, mainly in Eastern Europe at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm.
Per has international experience from leading positions within both the Swedish Export Industry and within government authorities, good communication skills and experience from working in different cultures and environments.